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Is Bayer AG a good stock to buy?

Based on an overall assessment of its quality, value and momentum Bayer AG is currently classified as a Neutral. The classification is based on a composite score that examines a wide range of fundamental and technical measures.

Will Bayer AG's share price go up?

An important predictor of whether a stock price will go up is its track record of momentum. Price trends tend to persist, so it's worth looking at them when it comes to a share like Bayer AG. Over the past six months, its share price has outperformed the FTSE Global All Cap Index by +14.23%.

What happened to Bayer stock?

Bayer AG may have been investing in the United States since the end of the Civil War, but only Thursday did the pharmaceutical company's stock began trading on the New York Stock Exchange. Stock in the German company, which has a Pittsburgh-based U.S. subsidiary, Bayer Corp., opened at $33.09 Thursday and held steady in morning trading.

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